FreeHoshino! #221
Overturn Abe Administration!
From 9.6 Tokushima Demo to 11.29 Central Tokyo Demo
The war bill has railroaded on 19 September, but we never give up. We demonstrated
around Tokushima prison and it was the same purpose with the demo at the
Diet with many people. It opened the road for overturn Ave administration.
We will demonstrate on 29 November in central Tokyo to appeal Hoshino's
Free Hoshino!
720 people gathered from all over the country at Tokushima on 6 September to demonstrate around Tokushima prison. Akiko Hoshino called Fumiaki, "We came for you come home!" and we all sang the song "Solidarity". All our voices including of Osamu Taira and Shinichi Tsujikawa saying "We will surely bring you back" reached Fumiaki in the cell.
When Akiko met him in the prison afterwards he told her, "I feel the
walls of the prison are getting thinner."
9.5 National Rally
180 people gathered for nationwide rally at Tomoni Plaza in Tokushima city.
Free Hoshino
Opening address by Hiromi Tomura
The demonstration fighting against Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements that
we called "Crash Abe administration!" in front of the Diet on
30 August reminded me the 1960's Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements that
we called "Crash Kishi administration!" .
We will demonstrate around Tokushima prison tomorrow. Akiko Hoshino has
been saying that we would free Hoshino by his age of seventy", and
the time is coming to it.
==Before the Demo. Around the Prison=
Free Hoshino Activity with JNR fighting through Love, Tie and Solidarity
Akiko Hoshino's comment
Fumiaki is waiting with excitement for our demonstration around the prison. He convinces of our victory against Abe administration if we keep bond with labors.
The people all over Japan held Hoshino's art exhibitions at more than fifty places, and many people were impressed saying, "What wonderful human beings!"
Our wish that Fumiaki's liberty by he becomes 70 years old, and the wish made us to have exhibitions in many cities.
Osamu Taira's comment I am pastor of Christ church and usually not go out of church on Sundays, but tomorrow is exceptional, I will join the demo as a disciple of Mr. Hoshino.
It is hard to understand Mr. Hoshino's message, but if you try to read it patiently, you will understand. His wife Akiko helps you to understand.
One of the visitors of Hoshino art exhibitions in Okinawa mentioned that he is sure that Mr. Hoshino is a person of high-integrity. I learned with the words that we also have to be a person of integrity even we get in mud in activities.
Tokushima Visitation Diary
Tokushima Visitation Diary
"I Heard Everybody's Voice"
Akiko Hoshino
I went to the prison with twenty supporters to meet Fumiaki on 7 September, the next day of the demo around the prison. Shuzo, Fumiaki's younger brother, and his partner Yukari were with us.
I asked Fumiaki whether he heard our voice. "Yes, I heard. I was so glad to hear that you said,<We are here since you lead me>, I also liked you shout to all the prisoners <Don't give up!>, I heard your singing Solidarity, and felt very happy." I told him that most of us sobbed with happiness while the demo.
I feel the walls of the prison are getting thinner. Your demonstrations here became a factor for that. I really feel like fighting with you."
Shuzo said, "I attend meetings for Free Hoshino in different places." Fumiaki answered, "I am glad that you really became active with Yukari." with Yukari
Yukari also talked to Fumiaki, "We, Shuzo and I, are playing drums since he told me I can play how I want".
It was a very happy family meeting.
After the family meeting we told the supporters that Fumiaki clearly heard our voices from around the prison. The supporters seemed to be very glad with that.
When Yukari was asked the first impression of Fumiaki by supporters, she answered that Fumiaki looked handsome and charming.
"The Walls of the Prison Became Thinner" I reported about visitors impressions about the Hoshino art exhibition in Suginami on 1 September. "Those works are calm, sweet and beautiful. What a wonderful the works are!" One visitor seemed to be shocked by Fumiaki's art and confessed, "What was my poetry I have been writing?"
The prison banned the paintings Fumiaki is making to heal Akiko's mind. Why the prison dose often break our minds!?
Fumiaki was glad to know the people's impressions about his exhibitions in Osaka or Tochigi or Miyagi. He wanted specially to know about the exhibition in Narita, Chiba. His fighting at Sanrizuka, Narita against Narita International Airport was very significant for him.
I have been anxious about his awful situation in the feat in this summer,
and mentioned about it. "I was almost dying. One prisoner died and
two are still serious illness in Wakayama. I really hope to be allowed
opening the upper window of the cell."
On the second meeting at the prison of this month, Fumiaki said again that he felt the prison's walls getting thinner. He also said, "Recently I feel as if I am really with you, all the supporters. Wars cannot be realized without severing labors' networks. What a wonderful fighting with the labors for futures grate hope!"
On the fourth day one of chairpersons of left-wing group came to the prison to see Fumiaki. Although he could not meet Fumiaki, They understood each other. Fumiaki feels recently that as if he is fighting with labors of all over the world.
It was fruitful five days meetings with Fumiaki and significant demonstration in Tokushima with the supporters.