FreeHoshino! #218
Stop the War Bill
Spread the Activity with Art Exhibitions
Go to Demonstration around the Prison
Abe administration has no policy and in danger of breaking down. Thousands of people gathered in front of the Diet to appeal to stop the bill of war.
The comment of a far-right author Naoki Hyakuta "Crash the two newspapers in Okinawa!" is a symbolic word. Abe administration's real intention is that labors' rights to say things freely bother their preparation to war.
They would never be killed in the war, but we, the labors and the youths would. We must not allow war again!
We Can See through Hoshino's Return
Our smash into Abe administration means that we must not miss this time
to return Hoshino.
Hoshino Art Exhibitions and Free Hoshino Meetings all over the country are gathering new power.
We can see through that Hoshino's return is soon in the fighting with the labors unions all over the country.
The fifty Hoshino Art Exhibitions has been held all over Japan, and the large swells of the people who were moved by the Hoshino's situation are generating the power to crash Abe administration.
Besides we are ready to go to demonstrate around Tokushima prison.
The Prison Denied Meeting of Akiko with Her Husband
On May 28, Tokushima prison denied again Akiko Hoshino's meeting with her husband. She went to the prison as her fifth meeting with Fumiaki Hoshino in this month, but she was rejected at the clerk. One of the Free Hoshino Attorneys Takeo Sakai met Fumiaki on May 22 and it was counted as one of general meetings. Akiko and her companion asked it anxiously, but Yoshifumi Honda, the manager of general affair of the prison, just said the same thing "That's because of the law." again and again.
Meeting of attorneys and Fumiaki is not a general meeting, and our fifth meeting was actually legalized.
Those who are angry at the prison, please write a letter to the director
Director Mr. Kohei Takenaka
Tokushima Prison
200-1, Ohisa, Nyuta-machi, Tokushima-city,
779-3133 Japan
The Decision of the Case of Missing Video Tape, Our Very Important Evidence on May 13
Impeachment of Masaaki Okuda, the Chief Judge, for the Unfair Decision
On June 22, we appealed impeachment of the Tokyo High Court for the unfair decision about the missing video on May 13 in front of the Court.
The tape was copied by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department from TV news on the very day of the Shibuya Riot, on November 14 in 1971. So it is not just an ordinary tape and could be very significant evidence.
Fumiaki Hoshino and the attorneys appealed to the Supreme Court promptly
after the decision.
Tokushima Visitation Diary
Tokushima Visitation Diary
"I Feel like that the Wall of the Prison is Getting Thinner."
Akiko Hoshino
I would like to write about Fumiaki's health condition at first.
He has been suffering from an itchy skin rash, and he knew that the disease's name was scabies. He told me about this on the third day of this visitation. One dermatologist came to see him and examined his skin carefully with a magnifying glass. Fumiaki said, "The doctors who work at prison are usually abrasive persons, but he was different and like <Red bearded doctor> of the novel by Shugoro Yamamoto and was filmed by Akira Kurosawa. The doctor was very sweet and said, [I am doing as can as possible, and you will get much better soon]."
I felt at ease since we knew that was an identified disease.
According to Fumiaki, the cause of the skin disease was the work of raveling out of old leather boots.
His erosive gastritis is not concerned with cancer and it made us feel at ease, too.
"I feel like that the wall of the prison is getting thinner. I live life fully every day thanks to you, Akiko. I hope it will be same from now on, too."
He gave me his new painting which was painted Indonesian girl. "This girl
is coming home after work. This is the first one I paint a working girl."
He said.
We will never Lose to the Life Imprisonment June 22 was the first day of this month. Fumiaki said at first, that he will never lose to the life imprisonment that the authority gave me as the strongest card to crash me. But we have a lot of companies such as union members and ordinary citizens all over the country.
June 23, the weather was clouded and I felt warm and comfortable.
Fumiaki received a report from the leader who held the Hoshino Art Exhibition in Osaka. He enclosed letters which were written the visitors' impressions about the exhibitions. The companies in Osaka held four exhibitions in Suita-city and Takatsuki-city in Osaka. They had 200 visitors.
We mentioned about Koichi Hashimoto. "I am very glad that Hashimoto has been active since the Great East Japan Earthquake, and he is also comprehensive about Free Hoshino activity." Fumiaki said happily.
On June 24 and 25, Fumiaki talked about the visitors' impressions of the exhibitions in Osaka. When he read the letters, he felt very real as if he was with the each person and talked with them. "It has been very impressive that people understand us, not only they like my paintings.
One of the letters from Hiroshima said, "You (Fumiaki) are smiling in spite of that you must feel painful in the jail. Your painting made me realize that the world still be beautiful!"
Thanks to the exhibitions all through the country, Fumiaki began to feel like that the wall of the jail is getting thinner.
He said that he wanted more letters from visitors of exhibitions and is looking forward to Tokyo exhibitions and meetings.