FreeHoshino! #205
Reinstate Fighting Labors' Unions, and Regain Hoshino! Nobuyuki Yoshimoto, Secretary General of SUZUCON-UNION
We will Win Withdrawal of Unjust Dismissals Our labors' union "Suzuki Concrete Industry Affiliate (SUZUCON-UNION)" is the sixth year in this July since foundation by non-regular workers and concrete-mixing track drivers. Since then the company's authorities have been attacking the union members. They tried to destroy the union many times, not only trying dismissals us or invasions of our rights. Those threats were too dreadful to express in words. However the union members were not defeated. Five union members were fired due to the struggling at work in these six years. On April 16 in 2014, three union executive members won against their dismissal of December in 2011 at the Tokyo District Court. This was a significant example of that a non-regular worker won at a public trial through establishment a union by themselves.
Our first topic was his opinion about the report of "Beyond the Wall" no.22 in memory of publishing the book "Love and Revolution." Fumiaki said, "Since many people read our book "Love and Revolution" the contents of our struggle was known by the people, and they understood our way of life. Readers react their opinions as their lives." He also told me about some readers' impressions. I told him, "Isn't that nice that Mr.Nozawa and Mr.Tsuchiya who work at Kotake Transportation wrote their comments?" This was my last word to him on the first day. May 13, sunny day. Mr. Yamakawa brought a photo of peony instead of a flesh flower which was claimed last time. We talked seeing a photo of peony in A4 size paper. Message to Mr. Mitsuhiro Nakasone I will visit Okinawa in a couple of days and meet Mr. Mitsuhiro Nakasone who is struggling against dismissal as a member of Japan IBM Business Service Workers' Union of Okinawa. I wrote down Fumiaki's message beyond the acrylic glass to Mr. Nakasone. Here is Fumiaki's message to him: "In these days all over the world is common at work. The employers dismiss their workers for only one percent cost cut, they make many non-regular employees, and they are forcing maximum work to minimum employees. It causes death from overwork. Nakasone trusts solidarity of workers and stood up. He leads protect the rights of workers. You can fight being confident that you are struggling with the people all over the world. You are in the vanguard of the struggle of anti-changing constitution, anti-was, and anti-Okinawa base." I read out this message at the Okinawa meeting on May 17, and this was a significant gift for them. Being Touched by Lynne Stewart I received a wonderful message from Lynne Stewart for Free Hoshino meeting on 29 June. Lynne is an American returned political prisoner, and I wrote earlier to Fumiaki about this. He was delighted with her message: <He is my brother because the same spirit of resistance that has sustained him for almost 40 years also sustained me while I was imprisoned here in the U.S..> Fumiaki said, "I was touched by her words, and I wrote a letter to her." Abe administration is in favor of wars. Japanese people had experiences to be brought to the battle fields just by receiving a red paper. Abe is going to force working people to get into painful situation. It is obviously seen, so we have to burst our anger." Fumiaki's talk seemed to not stop. On May14, we talked mostly about his physical condition. He is allowed to exercise in a gym or a ground thirty minutes a day two or three times a week. He jogs and play ping-pong, and on rainy days or when he is allowed taking bath, he does stretch or muscle training in the corner in the factory. On Sundays and holidays, he dose them in the cell. "I have rare chance to walk and I have a few problems such as low temperature, allergy, and irregular pulse, still I am in good health. I played ping-pong today, too." He was making a painting of fruits to give me this time, but he did not finish it. He will ask prison stuff to send it by courier service. "I have another painting here that I painted a mother and a child in Chernobyl. I showed it at the Shikoku Area art exhibition of prisoners' art work. It returned to me after three years. It is a charming one and I will give it to you by September after repainting a little. I am aiming to win the grand prize in the exhibition. If I win, I would stop showing at the exhibition and concentrate on paintings for our FumiAkiko-calendar. It is not easy to be awarded the first prize; it depends on selectors' tastes." "The climate now is the best in the year. I hope that this comfortable weather keeps long." In this April, Fumiaki permitted five times a month of meetings with visitors, but it will take effect from July. So next month, in June, we will meet still four times. |